CASH and FINANCIALS mapping templates

This section contains instructions on how to create mapping templates to load data from PalantirCASH or PalantirFINANCIALS. The templates for the two applications work the same way; the difference is that different source variables are used. Thus, the instructions below only include the case for the PalantirCASH template.

Before you can create or edit a template, you need to connect to a data source. Once you are connected, the Manage Template menu will become active (see the table below).

CASH and FINANCIALS mapping templates are stored as file types '.PTCASH' or '.PTFIN'. (The XML templates created in previous versions of Portfolio can still be imported, but they must be saved as PTCASH or PTFIN files.) The currently used template is part of the Portfolio document; if you send this document to a colleague, for example, the template will be sent with it. When you create a template, you can choose to save a copy of it as a file on your computer

For information about managing saved templates, see Manage mapping templates.

Option Description
New Creates a new template. If there are several templates, you can copy an existing one into the new one. Template names can be up to 50 characters long and can contain any characters and spaces.
Rename Renames the selected template.
Edit Opens the selected template for editing.
Delete Deletes the selected template.
Import Imports a template from a PTCASH or PTFIN file.
Import from CASH Imports a template from an XML file.
Export Exports the selected template into a PTCASH or PTFIN file.

The mapping template window contains three tabs: